“The CIA and NSA are currently running effectively
a TAKE-DOWN OPERATION on your country.”
Dr. Katherine Horton
Dr Horton’s appeal
As this concerns the single biggest issue in the US and Europe, please take the time to read the rather long explanation below that matches the pieces up.
First of all, let me introduce myself: I am a scientist (particle physicist) and former Research Fellow at Oxford in the UK. And it is true, I am a victim of the intelligence agencies. But I am not in the US. I live in and am attacked in Switzerland and I have already gone to court over it in ENGLAND (see Court Cases & Evidence). That is because the attacks on me started first with MI5 in the UK. They have followed me to Germany and then Switzerland and have been continued by the national agencies there.
1. For you, this is nevertheless important in as far as all the intelligence agencies are now globally FUSED and are not actually under the control of ANY SINGLE GOVERNMENT. This includes your CIA and NSA (regardless of what impression might be given to any oversight committee). I along with several other investigators are now compiling the evidence for this for the upcoming class actions. But it is pretty well established by now.
It might come as a complete shock to you, but the CIA is not actually headquartered in Langley. That is only a branch office, so to speak. Instead, it is headquartered here in Switzerland.
In finance, people already talk publicly about the “One Bank” that owns all large private banks and all the central banks. That is also headquartered in Switzerland. It turns out that the same processes that led to that also led to the intelligence agencies morphing into the “One Agency”. This happened a very long time ago. And the One Bank by now owns the One Agency fully.
2. It is for that reason that the CIA and NSA are currently running effectively a TAKE-DOWN OPERATION on your country. (MI5 does the same on Britain and the German BND on Germany.) It is because the true controllers are not in America. They are headquartered here in Switzerland and their major interests are now in China and India. Or to be more precise: Their business plan is to use China and India to asset strip the US and Europe and then to farm it for resources.
3. So what you are seeing with the “targeted individual” program is actually an “Intelligenzaktion”. But this time round, it is not just targeted at the elites in America (as it was in Poland in WWII), but at all levels of society. That is so because computer simulations and database maps have been used to produce a social graph of your country to identify the truly integral and instrumental people who can mobilize a community and these people can be found on all levels of society (whereas the top tends to be quite docile).
4. The cartel holders have chosen this form of targeting because it is highly effective in disabling a country and it is completely SILENT. That is because only the people who have done sophisticated data analysis on the full social graph will spot what is so special about the people being targeted. To anyone else, they seem just like a random collection of people, most of whom are not very rich. The overall hostile martial interference from abroad thus remains well hidden.
5. This large-scale take-down program has been brought about by the simple device of over-inflating the intelligence agencies to over twice their size in a very short time period (In the UK, MI5’s budget DOUBLED and their head count TRIPLED after 2003). The CIA and all law enforcement have undergone something similar. When that happens, any agency tries to use up the new money so as to continue getting it in the subsequent years.
That automatically means that they have to hire a lot of people very fast. When that happens, quality automatically goes down drastically. So in other words, we now have 3 MI5s in the UK, two of them effectively staffed by inept idiots.
6. When these two moron versions of MI5, or the CIA and law enforcement are unleashed on the population, they do what all idiots do: pick on the clever ones. They surround them, mock them and disintegrate them if they can. And that is precisely what you are seeing with the targeted individuals (as Karen Stewart, ex NSA, has rightly confirmed to you). The inanity of the violations against the victims speaks for itself.
What you don’t see however, is that every targeted individual has something truly special about them as far as the overall system is concerned. They are in their own way instrumental to the system, but it is so niche and embedded in the social fabric that it is hard to spot unless you have a computer crunching through vast amounts of data to spot the pattern.
Once the truly special ones have been identified by central data analysis (on all your emails, social media, daily movement from phone data etc), the morons can be unleashed and they do the rest until the target is utterly destroyed and hounded to death.
Meanwhile, the elites in America don’t notice that the foundation under their feet has just been weakened considerably. This remains invisible until external pressure is applied.
7.If you want to verify what I am saying, track down who really owns your telecommunications and government data. The large contractors (e.g. Lockheed Martin etc) are in turn owned by the banks, who are in turn owned by the One Bank, which is headquartered here in Switzerland.
8. As a result of this take-down program your intelligence agencies and law enforcement are suffering from two problems:
(a) The top is in Deep Capture by corrupt forces steered from outside America.
Some people have mentioned the German black agency DVD, others have mentioned MI6, KGB, Chinese intel – the point is it doesn’t matter which of these you pick, they are ALL ONE at the top by now.
(b) As a result of the fast expansion, the rest of the agency is awash with total imbeciles.
This can cripple any system.
9. Due to these problems, the targeted individuals cannot actually appeal to any of the agencies PAID to stop illegal behavior (as one of you rightly demands) because the top is corrupted and most of the others are morons (with some good people interspersed who are stretched by having to lead the morons). Also the real payment is generated by the corrupting entities owned by the One Bank in Switzerland. Who pays the piper picks the tune.
(Note: Your tax dollars go anywhere but to pay your own institutions.)
10. Deep Capture in the intelligence agencies and law enforcement is a STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY. That is because:
It requires the concerted effort of every last person of integrity inside and outside the system to reverse this.
11. This is why a respected doctor in our midst was right to contact a Congressperson and others he trusts and respects, because ALL OF YOU need to help SIMULTANEOUSLY for this to be reversed.
In essence, what binds you all is your integrity and mutual respect for each other. In a corrupted system that is a currency of gold.
12. It is for these reasons that you were all right at the same time: Under normal circumstances, it would be wrong to bother people outside law enforcement and regulatory bodies with this. BUT THE SYSTEM DOESN’T OPERATE UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES.
It operates in a way that is more akin to the Fukushima reactors just before the disaster: all looks fine, but someone is about to set off some hidden nukes around the core and the protective outer structures have already been weakened by the criminals.
Do you all understand?
We don’t have time anymore for any of us to say “not my department”. Instead, you all have to rake your brain who YOU trust and can contact to help YOU to help US to help THE VICTIMS.
That’s because, I am not sure if we can stop the nukes being set off near the reactor core, so to speak. (There are some people who are trying to find those “nukes”, but even if they find them, removing them is another matter.)
So the only thing we can do for sure is to pull out the targeted individuals BECAUSE WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE!
Each one of them has some sort of function in the system that is systemically important (with some, it’s obvious, with others, it’s harder to spot). And we need all of them to be sure that the system can be stabilized.
Also, each one of them has effectively been weighed down by a lead weight. Their current status is far below where they should be according to their drive and ability. It’s like holding an inflated balloon down under water by force. If you take the weight off, they shoot up like a rocket under their own inner drive, lifting others up with them. This extra momentum can be used to repair and cycle the system.
It sounds theoretical and esoteric but it really isn’t. I had identified a way one can cycle an economy using a system’s own inertia back in 2013. I was in the process of trying this out on a small scale by trying to bootstrap a start-up that would be employing this mechanism. That is when I was hit full-whack by the intelligence agencies’ take-down operation. I guess they had figured out what I was trying to do before I had understood the implications.
Anyway, bottom line is WE NEED ALL THE TARGETED INDIVIDUALS for this and we need YOU ALL to help us free them from the concentration camps that the intelligence agencies have placed them in.
So, if you have understood the above, please try to come up with something using YOUR OWN INGENUITY to help us. You were contacted because others have identified you as special. So there is something about you that they don’t have, that we need and that sets you apart. Try to think what that could be. And try to think how you could use that what is special about you to help to cycle the system.
If you need motivation or inspiration, please have a look at the following:
We had to put some of our main leaders in the community of targeted individuals under daily “life-sign monitoring” because of the repeated assassination attempts against them. Ramola, for example, sent a memo to Donald Trump after his inauguration, drawing his attention to the extermination program run against the US population, and was so incapacitated by the microwave assaults that she was bed ridden for a week. When that is done to a person, it really is touch and go if the organs fail or not.
In her case, it’s clear what annoyed the CIA. However, some others don’t even know why the intelligence agencies keep trying to kill them – they just do. Can you spot the pattern?
Dr Katherine Horton