Ulrich, the Judiciary & the Masons
Gerhard Ulrich is a famous judicial campaigner known across Switzerland, and the former President of the Swiss citizen initiative AUFRUF ANS VOLK. During many years of tireless campaigning and keeping a close eye on judges, he has amassed a record for over 1500 judges from the Swiss courts and the European Court for Human Rights. These detail their conduct in court, the quality of their judgements and if there were any issues that were flagged about the judge. Crucially, his register contains not just information on judicial malpractice and corruption but also the records of the judges who behaved with integrity. (Comment from Dr. Horton: From a systems analysis point of view, the latter is just as important.)
His internationally most well known contribution to the fight against systemic corruption was the uncovering of a gigantic fraud at the European Court of Human Rights in Strassbourg in which most of the 53’000 cases per year that are referred to the European Court are turned down and only around 500 “show cases” are considered. The other cases, over 99%, are denied justice as the European Court stoneswalls them. Further analysis has to be undertaken to determine if those cases that make up less than 1% that are worthy of the European judges’ attention might not have some sort of covert network ties attached to them. This seems more and more likely as the horrific corruption and nepotism in the Western judiciary is laid bare after it was left to fester for centuries.
For his excellent public interest work, Gerhard Ulrich has come under attack from the crime cartel which has infiltrated the Swiss judiciary and law enforcement. He spent 4 years in jail along with some of his co-campaigners. Find out more about Gerhard Ulrich’s work in 3 languages (English, German, French).
In the latest instalment of the conspiracy against Gerhard Ulrich, he had to defend himself against the criminal Freemason Claude Budry who took him to court for “injuring his honour” (Ehrverletzung in Swiss law) when Ulrich informed the community of the crimes that the Mason had actually committed and had almost killed his neighbour in the process. The court case in Yverdon-les-Bain on 27th Nov 2017, which was witnessed by Dr. Horton, strongly reminded her of a large bouncy animal with a pouch that contains everything but a copy of Tom Bingham’s The Rule of Law, see below for details of the case.
Gerhard Urlich’s Book
For everyone speaking German and interested in his leading investigation into the matter of judicial corruption, it is recommended to get hold of a copy of his book (Publisher Samizdat, 2016) by emailing him (contact Dr. Horton on contact /at/ stop007.org and subject line “Gerhard Ulrich’s book” to get his email).
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Cover of Gerhard Ulrich’s book with the title in 3 languages. |
Interviews in English
Published on 26 Nov 2016 by Volker Hoffmann (4min) |
Published on 17 Sep 2017 by Volker Hoffmann (13min) |
Interviews in German
Published on 26 Nov 2016 by Volker Hoffmann (4min) |
Published on 10 Sep 2017 by Volker Hoffmann (13min) |
Interview on 15 Dec 2017 by Dr. Katherine Horton for Techno-Kriminalermittler (1.5hrs) |
Gerhard Ulrich’s Court Case Against the Freemason Budry
In one of his pioneering battles for justice, Gerhard Ulrich uncovered a Masonic plot in which the Freemason Claude Budry burnt down the house of his neighbour in order to set fire to his own home and to defraud his insurer and was protected by the authorities in doing so. The neighbour Jakob Gutknecht survived the attack with his health damaged, but lost his livelihood.
Gerhard Ulrich campaigned for justice for the victim Gutknecht and amassed a wealth of expert evidence that proved that the Freemason Budry, a Swiss army explosive expert (!), had intentionally started the fire by planting incediary devices in the barn wall of his neighbour. Furthermore, he proved that Budry thereby cheated his home insurance to build himself a chateau from the compensation money.
In response for the unwanted publicity of his crimes, Claude Budry took Gerhard Ulrich to court over “injury to honour” (Ehrverletzung), an archaic Swiss concept akin to the offence of libel that is strictly guarded by the judiciary (for the benefit of criminals, it seems). Ulrich was thus charged with this grave offence after distributing leaflets to inform the community of the shocking crimes of the Freemason Budry.
Gerhad Ulrich’s court case in Yverdon-les-Bains on 27th November 2017, which was attended by Dr. Horton and a large group of 40 of Ulrich’s supporters was a shocking judiciary shambles and a spectacle to behold. After opening the hearing, Ulrich requested that the judge and both lawyers sign a transparency statement (see below) to declare whether they are members of a secret society. Ulrich’s argument was that the the Claimaint being a Freemason and the Freemasons being known throughout history for infiltration at the highest levels and for large scale conspiracy, it was necessary for him to be sure that he was receiving a fair trial. The transparency agreement merely asked to state whether one was or was not a member of the Masons, other more fringe groups like Opus Dei, or any xother secret societies. Surprisingly, the judge refused to sign it and adjourned the hearing for a break. During the break, Ulrich’s own lawyer of 10 years admitted that he could not sign the transparency statement and welled up in tears before Ulrich and requested to be relieved from his duties. To his shock Ulrich discovered that there might have been a plot against him involving secret society networks all along.
Upon returning to court after the break, Ulrich thus asked the judge to release his lawyer and be allowed to represent himself. Most shockingly, the judge refused the release of the lawyer. She also steadfastly refused to sign the transparency agreement, as did the lawyer for Claude Budry. Finally, she refused Gerhard Ulrich his right to speak for himself even after the lawyer kindly requested that Ulrich be allowed to speak in his stead as the Defendant knew the expert details of his case much better. The court hearing ended with the judge desperately screaming over Ulrich in an attempt to stop him from speaking the truth by claiming that he had to be forbidden from addressing the judge because “he was making a pladoyer”, which left everyone in the public gallery wondering where one was to make a pladoyer if not in court before a judge…
The audio recording of the exhasperated judge during the court hearing after the break can be heard in French below.
Gerhard Ulrich before his court hearing on 26 Nov 2017 by Volker Hoffmann (1.5min) |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scnQKuZlfRQ&w=500] |
Gerhard Ulrich before his court hearing on 26 Nov 2017 by Volker Hoffmann (1.5min) |
The outcome of the court hearing was that Gerhard Ulrich has been condemned to 100 days in prison! For what? For informing the sourvereign Swiss in the county that a Freemason arsonist has destroyed the livelihood and health of one of their own. Judge for your self if you think that this is justified!
Appeals by Gerhard Ulrich
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Appeal for Court Observers in Bamberg, Germany (German) for Thursday 13th June 2019 at 13:30 by Gerhard Ulrich, 02 June 2019 More on Lawyer Claus Plantiko: Film 1, Film 2, Film 3 |
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Helga Harders’ Declaration Under Oath (German) recounting a Nazi-style assault by a pair masquerading as police by Helga Harders, 11 June 2018 |
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Arrogance and Ignorance of Students and Academics (German) at seminar organised by students of the University of Lausanne by Gerhard Ulrich, 26 May 2019 |
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Theft and Subversion through Swiss Authorities and fake CHF 280.- parking ticket by criminals in Morges police station! by Gerhard Ulrich, 14 May 2019 |
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Appeal for Court Observers Asset-stripping of Stasi victim by gang of realtor, mayor and judge in Erfurt! by Gerhard Ulrich, 21 Mar 2019 |
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Versuchter Mord an Ehemann von Suzanne Schaer vertuscht durch Staatsanwalt, Richter und Gerichtsexperten by Gerhard Ulrich, 03 Feb 2019 |
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Nachruf Suzanne Schaer by Gerhard Ulrich, 03 Feb 2019 |
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Der Preis für das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung by Gerhard Ulrich 11 Jan 2019 |