Philip Kerr v MI5, UK
There are already many court cases related to gang stalking and electromagnetic torture by the intelligence agencies.
- Philip Kerr v Attorney General, [2015] EWHC 934 (QB)
- Harassed by MI5 for over 13 years! Mr Kerr has the evidence.
- Daily harassment campaigns.
- Drugged and kidnapped on one occasion.
- MI5 trained finches and ravens to knock on his window at night.
- Attempts to break up his intimate relationships.
- MI5 spent over 110m on his harassment by their own testiomony!
- Philip Kerr v MI5, heard 20. Jan. 2016.
- Secretive Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) after High Court.
- Dr. Horton attended this hearing.
- MI5 actors at hearing gloating about abuse afterwards.
- Still no decision after almost 1 year!
More info on Philip Kerr’s website.