To-Do List for Victims

Don’t be intimidated by any item on the To-Do list. Work them off one by one, safe in the knowledge that each item can be completed by the average adult.

If you’re uncomfortable with one item (for example because it involves technology, measurement, being more public than you are used to) try to work around your uneasiness or give yourself time and focus on other items first until you build up confidence.

When you have completed the list, you will be in control of your situation and a much more empowered individual than most people. This will benefit your future life and career.

If you need help at any point, book a private consulting session with Dr. Horton.


  1. Start to Crowd-Fund
  2. Reach Out & Get Publicity

Start to Crowd-Fund – Your Lifeline

Everything you have to do involves money: buying devices, consulting doctors, preparing a court case. If you have a way to get paid easily from anywhere in the world and can pay for services without incurring bank fees, your life will become easier later.

Become my monthly patron to access all help and updates (min $5)
Invest in Dr. Horton’s pro bono work supporting victims and court cases so she can help you and your family in turn.
fund-us Open a TransferWise account so you never pay wire fees ever again
Receive money easily from international supporters and help others without paying bank fees or PayPal fees.
fund-us Open a crowd-funding page to support your own endeavours
fund-us GoFundMe allows personal projects

Reach Out to Others – To Get Help

You need the help of others and being known by many people helps to keep you safe. Social media is under constant surveillance and heavy manipulation. Still, it allows you to reach A LOT of genuine and helpful people. And that is worth gold.

twitter Open a Twitter account and follow & retweet others
Twitter is used by everyone these days, including US President Donald Trump. You can follow Dr. Horton on @Stop007org.
twitter Open a Gab account and follow & retweet others
Gab is not as fraudulently censored as Twitter but has fewer users. You can follow Dr. Horton on Stop007.
twitter Open a YouTube account to report and publish evidence
It is great way to let the world know about your case. You can follow Dr. Horton on her Stop007 YouTube channel.
twitter Open a BitChute account to backup your YouTube videos
Fewer viewers than YouTube but an important as a fall-back channel should YouTube shut you out. Follow Dr. Horton on her Stop007 BitChute channel.
twitter Open a Vimeo account to backup your YouTube videos
Why you need two back-up channels? Because you are generating evidence that will go down in history. Follow Dr. Horton on her Stop007 Vimeo channel.

Start to Write-Up You Evidence

You need the help of others and being known by many people helps to keep you safe. Social media is under constant surveillance and heavy manipulation. Still, it allows you to reach A LOT of genuine and helpful people. And that is worth gold.

twitter Open a Twitter account and follow & retweet others