Submitted Affidavits
Affidavit Count
North America: US 16, Canada 8
Europe: UK 5, Belgium 2, Russia 1, Netherlands 1, Bulgaria 1, Spain 1, Denmark 1, Switzerland 2, Sweden 1, Poland 1
Asia: Japan 1, Iran 1
Sex Ratio: Male 21, Female 21
Survey Results
The following are the results from the affidavit survey. As more and more affidavits are being submitted the exact numbers can change, so please always check the release date at the top of the page. The analysis results of the first 15 affidavits have been sent to the international press and to international politicians in press release 1.
Analysis Results (30 Affidavits) summarising the first 30 affidavits. 21st October 2019 |
Older Analysis Results
Analysis Results (15 Affidavits) summarising the fist 15 affidavits. 4th June 2019 |
Affidavits for Download
The following affidavits were submitted for the international affidavit collection. As a victim, you are free to download these and use them for your court case. Every affidavit that is listed here was submitted with photo-ID and with a signed and witnessed oath and Statement of Truth, as found on the first and last page of the original affidavit template. The list below states the Document Authentication Code chosen by the author, the sex of the victim, the main country of targeting and the year targeting started. Once targeting starts, it appears to be for life.
This came after a prolonged and systematic Intel-style public defamation campaign by the author of affidavit 91-10-53-64 against every person I have ever worked with regarding targeting and then eventually against me as well, when I dared to defend my former colleagues.
The episode was so bizarre and came just a few weeks after the affidavit submission that I consider it to be an Intel disruption operation. As a result, I don’t consider affidavit number 91-10-53-64 to be truthful. I thus encourage you to discard it from your set.
I apologise for these subsequent changes. They are beyond my control and a symptom of the targeted and professional sabotage operations that victims find themselves at the mercy of.
Thank you for your understanding,
Dr. Katherine Horton
Confirmation of validity of published affidavits signed by Dr. Horton |
04-57-95-87, male, USA, 1999 | |
25-11-19-60, male, Belgium, 1994 | |
49-14-11-43, female, USA, 2008 | |
21-12-20-18, female, UK, 2007 (detailed description of torture techniques) | |
71-20-20-32, male, Canada, 2013 | |
00-85-13-14, female, Russia, 2007 | |
02-53-15-21, female, USA, Denmark, 2012 | |
03-47-21-95, male, USA, 1969 | |
19-02-18-05, female, USA, 2017 | |
11-24-05-10, female, USA, 2015 |
46-77-54-11, male, UK, 1976 | |
11-22-82-46, female, USA, 2017 | |
91-28-56-73, male, Japan, 2018 | |
75-95-00-06, female, USA, 1995 | |
11-85-53-60, male, Canada, 2011 | |
03-06-19-51, female, Netherlands, 2006 | |
04-10-19-68, male, Bulgaria, 2004 | |
41-50-87-15, male, Iran, 2001 | |
31-08-19-74, female, Switzerland, 2009 | |
95-29-30-56, female, USA, 2005 |
10-29-49-46, male, USA, 2014 | |
82-26-38-91, female, Spain, 1972 | |
01-06-06-09, female, USA, 1971 | |
71-71-71-71, female, Canada, 1974 | |
97-97-97-97, male, Canada, 2000 | |
71-56-38-71, male, UK, 2019 | |
71-56-38-70, female, UK, 2019 | |
90-91-08-11, male, Canada, 1987 | |
15-78-91-90, male, Belgium, 2011 | |
15-02-84-01, male, Canada, 2014 |
88-27-05-76, female, Canada, 2011 | |
03-71-56-89, male, USA, 2016 | |
04-03-19-83, male, Canada, 2011 | |
82-58-82-58, female, USA, 1985 | |
39-56-23-10, male, Sweden, 2009 | |
01-07-83-30, male, Switzerland, 1998 | |
16-32-76-15, female, USA, 2018 | |
30-81-39-99, female, USA, 2009 | |
35-68-21-94, female, Poland, 1995 | |
81-22-14-91, female, USA, 2012 |
75-57-64-46, male, USA, 2011 | |
24-71-93-57, male, UK, 2008 |