The intelligence agencies and their enablers will therefore be held accountable for the total sum of all their crimes committed.
Court Cases

International Affidavits
International affidavits submitted for publication from the affidavit survey.

Making Court Bundles
A guide to how to make your own court bundles to stay in full control of your case.

Dr. Horton v SIS (MI6), MI5, GCHQ
Dr. Horton’s court case against all of British Intel in the London High Court in 2016.

Pozner v Prof. Fetzer
Academic and false-flag researcher sued by supposed crisis actor’s father.

Gerhard Ulrich (Defendant)
Case against Swiss anti-corruption campaigner for “injury to honour” by Freemason arsonist, 2017/18.

Philip Kerr v MI5
Fighting MI5 in the High Court and the Investigatory Powers Tribunal in 2016.

M. Vritschan v Hospital Erasmus
Victim of non-consensual implanting and torture suing hospital for kidnap of her newborn, 2017/2018.

Frederic Laroche (Defendant)
Entrapped in fake car accident by Secret Services and forced into psychiatry, 2018.

Siegfried Tomys (Defendant)
Case against the victim for “injury to honour” by neighbour attacker in Biel, 2018.

Harry J. Heutschi (Success)
Swiss financial whistleblower fraudulently locked up in psychiatry, 2003.

Wednesday Kennedy vs Catholic Healthcare
Wednesday Kennedy is fighting to free her mother Gwen Kennedy from a death camp.

Melanie Shaw
Child abuse whistleblower brutally abused by the UK court system.

150 German Court Cases
All 150 German cases were unsuccessful before 2002. Did anyone say Nazis?